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Wu Zi's Art of War


Disciplines > Warfare > Wu Zi's Art of War


Sun Tzu's Art of War is one of the most famous Chinese texts. What is often not realized is that there are a number of other equally interesting books that may be explored and which illustrate the maturity of those early days.

Wu Zi (440-381 BC) lived at the time when a number of Chinese states were at war with one another. He was Confucian but believed military strength was needed to uphold these values. Wu Zi is also known as Wu Qi, Wu Ze or Wu Chi. His text is also called the Wuzi.

These pages include brief notes on observed key learning points and further discussions of these.


Chapter 1. Strengthening the Nation

1.1. Need for Strengthening Domestic and External Issues

1.2. Unity and People's Support

1.3. Running the State and Victory

1.4. Reasons for War and its Counter Strategy

1.5. Managing Troops Selecting Talents Strengthening Nation

1.6. Strength in Offense and Defense

1.7. Importance of Seeking Talents


Chapter 2. Knowing the Enemy

2.1. Nation Alertness

2.2. Six States Characteristics

2.3. Providing Opportunities for Talents

2.4. Enemy You Can Attack

2.5. Enemy You Cannot Attack

2.6. Detecting Enemy Situation

2.7. Weaknesses You Can Attack


Chapter 3. Managing Troops

3.1. Factors on Using Troops

3.2. Gain Control of Army

3.3. Things to Note on Marching Army

3.4. Decisiveness

3.5. Education and Training of Army

3.6. Placing Individuals at Appropriate Positions

3.7. Principles of Marching and Stationing

3.8. Maintenance of Horses


Chapter 4. Selection of Generals

4.1. Management of Troops

4.2. Four Areas to Note, Characteristics of Good General

4.3. Characteristics, Importance of Good Communication

4.4. Knowing the Enemy General

4.5. Testing Enemy General


Chapter 5. Responding to Changes in War

5.1. Chaos and Communication

5.2. When Outnumbered by Enemy

5.3. How to Win Against a Strong Enemy

5.4. When Surrounded by Enemy

5.5. Caught in Unfavourable Terrain

5.6. Caught in Valley

5.7. Fighting Marine Battles

5.8. Wet and Dry Weather

5.9. Fighting Plunderers

5.10. After Conquering Cities


Chapter 6. Motivating Talents

6.1. Motivating Talents


See also

The Annotated Art of War

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