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Techniques > Interrogation
Interrogation is a highly emotive subject that brings up pictures of spies, terrorists and criminal masterminds. Yet it is a reality of both the modern world and past ages and is used by police, lawyers, parents and suspicious partners as well as the military. The pages here include an exploration of some aspects of this subject.
There is a significant literature on interrogation, although much of this is primarily available to professional organizations such as the police and the military. Those who are likely to be interrogated, particularly the more well-organized groups, will have a strong understanding of interrogation methods and will be trained in counter-interrogation methods to help them withstand many interrogation techniques. The basic things described here will bring no surprises to such people. See alsoPower, Negotiation, Appeal to Fear, Questioning techniques, Stress, Coping Mechanisms, Closing techniques, False Memory Syndrome, Detecting lies, Persistence principle, Soft Power, Lying, Conversion techniques
Buckwalter, A. (1983). Interviews and Interrogations. Boston: Butterworth Publishers Inbau, F.E., and Reid, J.E. (1967). Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, (second edn). Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Company Mackey, C. (2004). The Interrogator's War, London: John Murray Royal, R.F. and Schutt, S.R. (1976). The Gentle Art of Interviewing and Interrogation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Wagenaar, W.A., van Koppen, P.J. and Crombag, H.F.M., (1993). Anchored Narratives: The Psychology of Criminal Evidence. Hertfordshire, UK: Harvester Wheatsheaf
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