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Four Types


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History | Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 | Type 4So what?



Since the days of the Greek civilization, philosophers and scholars have been classifying people into four categories which, perhaps unsurprisingly, have remarkable similarities.



Date Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Empedocles ~450BC Fire Air Water Earth
Plato ~420BC Guardian Artisan Philosopher Scientist
Hippocrates ~400BC Yellow bile Blood Phlegm Black bile
Galen ~150AD Choleric Sanguine Phlegmatic Melancholy
... ... ... ... ... ...
DISC 1920s Dominant  Influential Steady Cautious
Kretschner 1920s Melancholic Hypomanic Anasthetic Hyperasthetic
Sprangler 1930s Religious Aesthetic Theoretic Economic
Jungian 1940s NF SP NT SJ
Enneagram 1950s Adventurer Achiever Helper Romantic Peacemaker Observer Asserter Perfectionist
Kiersey 1960s Idealist Artisan Rational Guardian
Drucker 1970s Action man Front man People man Thought man
Social Styles 1980s Driver Expressive Amiable Analytical
LIFO 1990s Controlling-taking Adapting-dealing Supporting-giving Conserving-holding
DESA 1990s Driver Expressive Solid Analytical
Handy 1990s Apollo Dionysus Athena Zeus


Type 1

Achieves sense of control through direct action that aligns things to create harmony and reduce dissonance. Looks out to the future to seek necessary actions.

Achieves sense of identity through inspiring others to align with their beliefs.

Critical values include alignment, harmony, perfection.

Type 2

Achieves sense of control through exploration and problem-solving.

Achieves sense of identity through independence and standing out.

Critical values include freedom, innovation, risk-taking.

Type 3

Achieves sense of control through analysis and understanding.

Achieves sense of identity through designing and creating.

Critical values include rationality and originality.

Type 4

Achieves sense of control through making changes that affects others.

Achieves sense of identity through expression and inspiring others.

Critical values include harmony, vision.

So what?

Use the system in teams and groups to share information with one another and hence become more open.

See also

Jungian Type Inventory, DISC Types

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