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Family Matters


Techniques Happiness > Family Matters

Description | Discussion | See also



Spend time relaxing and having fun with your family. Enjoy their company and invest emotional effort in their happiness.

You can choose your friends but you cannot choose your family, so put particular effort into sustaining good relationships with as many of them as you can, especially those who are closer, such as parents, siblings and children.

If there are conflicts within the family, put serious effort into finding ways to resolve such problems. Work on peace, understanding, support and love.

Some of the family things you can do include:

  • Regularly eating together.
  • Play games together.
  • Listen to their problems and talk about yours.
  • Comfort them when they are sad and alone.
  • Buy them gifts and thank them for the gifts you receive from them.
  • Celebrate birthdays, Christmas and other special days together.
  • Go on holiday together.
  • Share the things you have, letting them borrow what they need. And returning the things you borrow.
  • Lend a hand when they need things moved, built, fixed, etc.


'Kin selection' is a powerful evolutionary force and is indicated by sayings such as 'blood is thicker than water'. For continuation of the genes, we need not only our own survival but also survival of those who are genetically close to us.

Things come and go but family persists, so there is rational value in putting more effort into your relationships with your relatives. When others may not help, your family should put themselves out more for you, assisting in all sorts of ways. Of course you also need to support them in any way you can.

This may not be easy when you do not get on with each other, but it will pay off as family conflict and unhappiness can persist just as can family harmony and joy. The net benefit of working to mutual respect and love is hence likely to be well worth the effort.

See also

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