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Dianetic Energy Levels


Explanations > Emotions > Dianetic Energy Levels


Studies in the general field of Dianetics have led to a number being allocated to each emotional state that indicates the level of positive energy associated with this. Numbers below 200 are considered to be destructive and numbers above as constructive (200 can hence be considered as the 'zero' level). Note that the numbers are logarithmic, such that an energy level of emotion X is ten times that of 0.5 X (rather than just twice the level).


Emotion/state Level Notes
Shame 20 Feeling the worst
Guilt 30 The sinner's trap
Apathy 50 Assumes continuing poverty
Grief 75 Reconciling loss
Fear 100 Used by many for control
Desire 125 Motivates much action
Anger 150 Can be destructive or constructive
Pride 175 Rising self-esteem
Courage 200 Acquiring personal power
Neutrality 250 Readiness to accept
Willingness 310 Readiness to work
Acceptance 350 Realizing you create your own life
Reason 400 Scientific approach
Love 500 Letting go of desire
Joy 540 When love becomes unconditional
Peace 600 Related to transcendence
Enlightenment 700-1000 The level of great teachers

So what?

A principle with this is as a stage model, where we can locate ourselves and then gradually ascent to superior states of emotion and consciousness.

While Dianetics, which deals in 'energy levels' can be a controversial subject, this is an interesting and perhaps useful assessment of emotions and emotional states.

See also


Hawkins, D.R. (1995). Power vs. Force (The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior), Sedona, AZ: Veritas

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