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 Calculator Close


Disciplines > Sales > Closing techniques > Calculator Close

Technique | How it works | See also



Rather than just quoting a price, get out a fairly large calculator and bash away on the keys for a while. Mutter things like 'less discount' and 'I'll take another 2% off, just for you'.

Then either read out the price or turn the calculator around to show the customer.


Right, the label price is 1200. Hold on a minute ... right, with the sale reduction and the extra discount for today ... does that look right to you?

How it works

Working on the calculator implies that you are not just quoting any price, but working out something special for this customer. You are also performing what seems to be a difficult task and exude an air of authority. Both of these invoke the exchange principle, where the customer feels more obliged to agree to the sale.

Showing the price also gives a finality to the action. To ask for a further reduction would mean you would have to recalculate and so oblige the person further.

This close is popular in particular professions and places, particularly in high-value sales such as jewelers and car sales. It is also useful to people who do not speak well the language of their customers.

See also

Obligation principle, Exchange principle


Books on Sales Closing

**** Tom Hopkins, Sales Closing for Dummies, For Dummies, 1998  **** Zig Ziglar, Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale, Berkley Publishing, 1985  *** Stephan Schiffman, Closing Techniques: (That Really Work!), Adams Media, 1999  **** Stephan Schiffman, Getting to 'Closed': A Proven Program to Accelerate the Sales Cycle and Increase Commissions, Dearborn Trade Publishing, 2002  *** Joe Girard, Robert L. Shook, Robert Casemore, How to Close Every Sale, Warner books, 2002 ** Gary Karass, Negotiate to close: How to make more successful deals, Fireside, 1987

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