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Find Religion


Techniques Happiness > Find Religion

Description | Discussion | See also



Go to church, chapel, mosque, temple or whatever religious persuasion appeals to you. Or just stay at home and read religious texts. Pray. Meditate. Chant. Sing.

If you are not sure, find what it is that religions have to offer, whether it is inner harmony or eternal salvation. Shop around. Try different churches and different religions. Give each a good chance to sink in. Let God or the Universe find you.

Throw yourself into the life of your chosen religion. Attend services. Go to meetings and social events. Socialize with others of the same persuasion. Discuss the scriptures. Discuss your problems. Confess your sins. Be open and let the goodness flow. Identify with the heroes and deities. Try to live you life with note of their lessons.


For many people, their religion is at the core of their lives, providing rules and examples of how to live a good life.

The social side of religion is often very important. Happiness is often related to one's social situation and religious groups can be very caring. They can also be very judgemental, so staying on the right side of the rules is a price that must be paid.

Religious ecstasy does not fall on everyone, but many do experience great happiness from their beliefs. Others find solace and comfort, at least avoiding the depths of despair. To grow old and believe you will go to a better place seems a better option that facing oblivion.

A problem with religion is that it requires belief. This can be very difficult, especially if you were brought up in a scientific tradition. It need not be a problem, though. Even deeply religious people can be plagued by doubt. The approach that many take is to go along with the rituals and so on, and then let belief sink in and develop rather than expecting a sudden conversion.

See also

Expressing Gratitude, Contemplative Life, Social Networking, Beliefs, Values


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