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Hips body language


Techniques > Use of body language > Parts-of-the-body language > Hips body language

Thrust out | Held back | Pushed sideways | Moving | TouchingSee also


The hips are at the base of the body trunk and are made up of the pelvis and covering tissue.

Thrust out

The hips contain the primary sexual organs and thrusting them forward is a provocative and suggestive gesture. This may be exaggerated further if the legs are opened, exposing the genitals further and inviting intercourse.

Pushing the hips forwards is difficult without losing balance, so this is sometimes done by leaning back against something like a wall to support the upper body whilst the hips are clearly foremost.

Men may use the hip thrust with other men as a signal of power ('my penis is bigger than yours' or 'I am so powerful you dare not attack my exposed and vulnerable parts').

Held back

Holding the hips back is the opposite of thrusting them out. It defends and hides the genitals, seeking to protect them or avoid them being noticed.

One way of holding them back is to sit down, folding the body over them. This may be compounded by crossing legs and covering the genitals with crossed hands.

Pushed sideways

Pushing the hips sideways makes the spine curve and rearranges the whole body to compensate. This can be a relaxed position as the person lets the body drop. The sagging can also come from disappointment or tiredness.

The hips may be used as a subtle pointer, indicating what the person really wants. Pointing at a person it may indicate they are found to be attractive. Pointing at the door can mean the person wants to leave.


Swaying the hips from side to side is a common dance move and can indicate the person would like to dance. It also draws attention to that part of the body and hence can be a flirtatious action.

Moving the hips back and forth is a simulation of sexual intercourse and can be highly arousing.


Hands on hips pushes the elbows sideways, making the body look larger and thus may be a signal of power or aggression.

Stroking the hips in a romantic setting is suggesting that the other person may want to do this and is thus rather flirtatious, particularly if accompanied by swaying hips and prolonged eye contact.

Fingering genitals is extremely arousing and is only usually used as a direct invitation to intercourse.

Hands held over the genitals, covering them, is a sign of embarrassment or fear.

Holding hands with yourself is a comforting move for someone who is anxious. The natural position of rest for this is at hip level and thus may not be sexual in nature.

The male penis can become uncomfortable in his underpants and he may surreptitiously rearrange it. If he does this overtly, it may be a signal of power or a sexual signal.

See also

Romantic body language

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