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Plan, plan, plan


Disciplines > Teaching > Classroom management > Plan, plan, plan

Description | Example | Discussion | See also



Plan lessons in detail. Think through what you want them to learn and how to get the ideas across. Think about how they learn and include different methods to help those with different learning styles. Think about what you will do if students are not 'getting it'. Think about what materials and resources you will need and where you need these to be during the lesson.

Also, and importantly, plan for classroom management aspects. Think about the classroom layout, what is on the walls and who sits where. Consider how you will handle the problem children. Think about what should happen as children enter and leave the class.

Follow up the plan with preparation. Produce materials. Talk to other staff. And reflect on the plan again.

In particular, at the start of term, over-plan everything. It's better to be too ready than too unready, especially in that early stage when you are establishing the patterns to come.


A teacher taking a year five class talks to their previous teacher to understand the personalities, learning styles and problems in the class. They shape the lesson with clear learning outcomes. They plan how to handle the difficult children and those who find learning difficult.


This may seem like a lot of work, and it may well be, but as you teach more, then plans and materials can be recycled across years. Still plan each lesson and still take extra time at the start of the year, but this time will grow less as you become more experienced.

Any materials you create, even if not used, will be useful in the future. Create a system and keep folders for lesson material. You can find much useful material online. The school may well also have lesson plans and materials you can use, but do ensure you fully understand these.

It has been said that failing to prepare is preparing to fail. With regard to classroom discipline this is doubly true.

See also

Lesson Plans that Work


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