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 Fire Sale Close


Disciplines > Sales > Closing techniques > Fire Sale Close

Technique | How it works | See also



Explain how this is a one-off opportunity and that prices are low because of a particular circumstance beyond your control. Also point out how time-scales are limited.

Emphasize your misfortune with your manner, being down at heart rather than up-beat.


We had a break-in at the weekend and a lot of stock was damaged. Insurance covers us so we're just getting rid of this at base price.

Our supplier went out of business so we grabbed their stocks in lieu of payment. So this is the last lot and we're just selling them off.

We had a leak in the basement and the boxes are are a bit out of shape. The product is fine but we're having to sell these last at reduced prices.

How it works

In a real fire sale, goods are variously damaged and sold off at knock-down prices to make what little you can from the damage (the alternative is to scrap them). Other things can damage goods, such as storms and floods. You can also use the same principle for such as a bankruptcy sale.

In a fire sale the buyer also feels they have the upper hand as the seller is going out of business or otherwise disadvantaged.

See also

Scarcity principle


Books on Sales Closing

**** Tom Hopkins, Sales Closing for Dummies, For Dummies, 1998  **** Zig Ziglar, Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale, Berkley Publishing, 1985  *** Stephan Schiffman, Closing Techniques: (That Really Work!), Adams Media, 1999  **** Stephan Schiffman, Getting to 'Closed': A Proven Program to Accelerate the Sales Cycle and Increase Commissions, Dearborn Trade Publishing, 2002  *** Joe Girard, Robert L. Shook, Robert Casemore, How to Close Every Sale, Warner books, 2002 ** Gary Karass, Negotiate to close: How to make more successful deals, Fireside, 1987

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