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How to Get Your Resume/CV Noticed


Disciplines > Job-finding > Resume / CV > How to Get Your Resume/CV Noticed

Call beforehand | Use better paper | Use the right language | Send to the target manager | Call to check they've received it | See also


One of the first problems when submitting a resume/CV is that lots of other people also submitting them and it is very easy for yours to get lost, buried or overlooked.

The first problem is that this big pile of resumes/CVs is likely to be sifted by someone distant from the employing manager. This could be in HR or an external agency.

Here are some ways to get noticed.

Call beforehand

Before you send in your details, call up and see who you can speak to. Ask about the process of how your application will be processed. If possible, talk with the person who will be first sorting things out. Be pleasant so they will remember you kindly when they reach your resume/CV.

Also ask about the job so you can hone your application, including details that will give you the best chance of getting to interview. If you can speak with the recruiting manager for this, you can significantly improve your chances. Do remember that every interaction with them is, in effect, a mini-interview.

Use better paper

When printing it out, use a heavier/smoother grade of paper (sometimes called 'bond' paper). On the metric scale, use 100 to 120 gsm (grams per square meter) paper. In imperial, use 24 lb. or 28 lb.

Keep the paper white or off-white, avoiding brighter hues which can be more annoying than eye-catching.

Likewise use a good envelope that will stand out and show your attention to quality.

Use the right language

When writing, ensure you use effective Resume/CV Language, which may not be like your normal writing style. Do use appropriate  power words, but do not over-do this.

Send to the target manager

Often, the person you would be reporting to is mentioned in the job advert (eg. 'reporting to the Head of Advertising'). So send your resume/CV directly to them, rather than the normal address.

If you send a paper copy to the manager, just address to the job title. If sending email, find the person's name. Searching on the web can help or a few phone calls often works.

What will likely happen is that the manager sends the CV on to HR anyway. Will this make a difference? Maybe not, but (a) the manager may read it anyway, and (b) having received the CV from the manager, HR will treat it with more care and consideration. 

Call to check they've received it

After you send in your application, you may want to call a day or so later to check that they have received it ok and ask whether there is anything else you can do to help their process. If they cannot remember whether they have received it, do offer to re-send.

See also

Social Engineering, Resume/CV Power Words


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