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ChangingMinds Blog! > Blog Archive > 18-Nov-08


Tuesday 18-November-08

Do something amazing!

How would you persuade people to donate blood? There's been a long-running series of ads in the UK by the Blood Transfusion Service that have rather cleverly used the strapline 'do something amazing'.

One of the formats is a string of celebrities appearing next to an unknown person, saying things like 'this person saved my life'. When we see something we like (including a celebrity), we pause to bask in the glow. The unknown person is a mystery, however, which draws our attention closer. We start to identify with the stranger as the celebrity clearly knows and likes them. It's like us standing there, a nobody and a celeb. This pattern repeated with a surprising number of celebs, sustaining our attention and deepening the mystery. Eventually a voiceover answers the question: 'Do something amazing. Give blood'

So there we have it: Give blood. Be a hero. Get the friendship and admiration of a celebrity. Bask in the glory. Feel like a celebrity. Feel like a celebrity.

What a good idea!

Your comments

The Easiest way to persuade someone to donate blood is to do it yourself. As a child, I watched my father donate blood on a regular basis. I use to go with him to the city hall, and observe his dedication, on numerous occasions. When I was a senior in high school, and the red cross came to my school, there was no question in my mind. And after observing my father donate time after time, and be no worse for wear, I wasn't the least bit uneasy. He donated 11 gallons of blood in his lifetime, and only recently, at the age of 75, had to stop donating for health concerns. My son is a senior in High school, and just donated for the first time, and I couldn't be more proud. I have no doubt my daughters will too. "Be the Change you wish to see in the World" -Gandhi

-- Gloria

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