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ChangingMinds Blog! > Blog Archive > 28-Sep-07


Friday 28-September-07

Super-duper nanny

I made some notes a while ago about the 'Supernanny' TV program and how good it was at teaching parenting. In today's fragmented society the family who teaches new parents how to bring up their children are often far away.

Coupled with both parents working and the ever-present media, pressures on families are greater than ever and parents often struggle to cope.

Although families featured are often working class, a recent episode showed that the middle classes are affected too. A couple who each had Ph.D.s in neuroscience also had two pairs of twins aged 3 and 5 who were wearing their mother to a frazzle whilst their Dad's head was mostly lost in the clouds. As ever, the programme was mostly about teaching the parents about how to behave.  It made me wonder: are problem kids mostly a working class phenomenon or are the middle classes just more reticent about waving their dirty linen about in public.

Supernanny fills a critical void not just in helping the hapless parents on the programme but also helping millions of viewers who are likewise bemused by errant children. After the UK success, they have exported Jo Frost to America where her classic British nanny no-nonsense style has proved equally effective and popular. It has also made her a millionaire, though, for the benefit she brings, I think she deserves it.

One wonders on the net effect of such a programme. Could it change the parenting methods of an entire generation? Might it lead to better citizens, reduced crime, greater employment and economic booms? If so, then surely it must be the most important programme on today's television.

Your comments

 I am a full-time Masters student, single mum of 2 darling, frustrating at many times, boys. (20mths & 6yrs) Even my 6yo loves watching this show and I agree that it can help. We discuss the "naughty" behaviours and reinforce that it isn't good or nice to do.

We all can come out as the winners with a few tips and a little bit of help no matter where we are from. Try different techniques, listen to others, respect, give your kids attention, etc...common sense but we often miss the basics in this busy world.

-- singlemummy

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