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The Pomodoro Technique – The Ultimate Task Ender


Guest articles > The Pomodoro Technique – The Ultimate Task Ender


by: Dale De Leon


What is Pomodoro Technique?

This technique is a time management method discovered and developed by Francesco Cirillo, back in the 1980s. Pomodoro is an Italian word for tomato. The technique works by getting you to do your work in 25-minutes sessions, separated by short breaks. In this way, it will give you the ability to block out possible distractions.

What’s good about the Pomodoro Technique is that it’s quite cheap and low-tech: you use a mechanical timer, paper and pencil. At first, it might seem irritating to take many breaks throughout the day, but research shows that this can actually enhance your focus when you return to the tasks you’re working on. According to Cirillo, “The ticking becomes a calming sound. It’s ticking and I’m working and everything’s fine“.

The main concept of this technique is you have to take long breaks (20 to 30 minutes) every four Pomodoros. These short and long breaks will give you time to check your social networking sites and emails. This technique is a fantastic tool for setting aside your daily tasks with other distractions.

How to Pomodoro

Step 1: Check Your Schedule

The first step to check your To-Do List. and think about what you need to do today. Estimate how long each task should take you. In 25 minutes, you need to complete each task if possible.

Step 2: Set the Timer and Work

Now, twist that egg timer to 25 minutes and start working with your tasks. According to Cirillo, there are couple of rules in this technique such as:

  • A Pomodoro can’t be split up in half of quarter Pomodoro.
  • This technique can’t be interrupted, it marks 25 minutes of working simultaneously.

If you think that you are distracted with social media and other distractions, pull yourself back to your task. You can only check these social media sites and emails during breaks. That’s how it works.

Step 3: Take a Short Break

When your 25-minute timer goes off, take a five-minute break. You should take a break even if you’re hyped with your tasks. This will serve as your time to rest and to recharge. You might think that interrupting your work for breaks will lose your time but regular breaks will restore your energy and will improve your productivity to levels that more than make up for any lost time. Remember that every four Pomodoros, take a longer break of 30 minutes.

Step 4: Complete Your Tasks

If you have completed your tasks even if you still have time remaining, use the remaining time to review your work and make any small improvements. You may also find that you can concentrate for longer in morning and then need more frequent breaks in the afternoon. Once you have used to this technique, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve in a working day.

The bottom line of this technique is about getting things done. Our unique way of time management will surely give us immediate and lasting good results.

Seriously? This section is all about me? Okay, Hi! My name is Dale Myron de Leon. They usually call me Dale. In school, I was that kid that never paid attention to my teacher. I took up a Bachelor of Science in Information Management and majored in Airline Operation and Procedure. Doing computer stuff is one of my hobbies, be it something professional, music or more. I am also passionate about hitting the snare, kick and cymbals. So you know a bit about me. Now, hit me up!

Contributor: Dale De Leon

Published here on: 18-Jan-14

Classification: Business, Development


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