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Sales Commandment 2: Be a Cheerleader For Your Product/Service


Guest articles > Sales Commandment 2: Be a Cheerleader For Your Product/Service


by: Daniel Milstein


As a salesperson, you are an advocate for what you're selling. You are finding a match between a product or service and a customer that has a need for that product or service. If you are passionate about it, the consumer will be as well.

You have to believe in what you're selling. Truly successful salespeople aren't just earning a commission or closing a deal; they are helping their clients in a measurable way, finding their first home, obtaining better terms on their current mortgage, delivering an insurance policy for a family's security or helping plan for the financial well-being of a newly-married couple. I've often said that 'I'm the delivery boy for the American Dream of home ownership,' anxious to help borrowers realize their important goals. They can see my enthusiasm, and know that I truly believe in the service I'm providing. As a salesman, you must believe in your product, otherwise clients will 'see through you' and not buy.

Leading up to the mortgage industry meltdown, there were several toxic loan programs, such as subprime loans, negative amortization loans, and the so-called 'liar loans' in which borrowers would not have to provide proof of income. All of these products turned out to be detrimental to borrowers and our economy -- I did not believe in them, and I refused to sell them. Eventually, once I explained the programs and what they entailed, the borrowers would come around to my way of thinking. For instance, there was a customer for whom I had done several loans who called me to obtain a negative amortization loan at a one percent interest rate. I explained I didn't think it was a wise choice because of the problems others had experienced with this type of mortgage, resulting from an increase in the monthly adjustable interest rate and in the principal balance. However, he was adamant and when I couldn't dissuade him, he went to another lender.

Two years later, the customer called to say he was sorry he had not listened to my advice. The one percent interest rate loan had not turned out well for him and he wanted my help in solving the situation. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to rescue him because he had been making minimum payments, was upside down with his loan and eventually lost the home to foreclosure. Of course, there were many originators who did not believe in the potentially harmful loan programs' benefits but tried to sell them anyway. It is difficult to persuade someone about a product or service if you are not convinced yourself. Salespeople in other professions face similar situations.

If you don't believe your company's product/service is beneficial to consumers, you should consider moving to a company or industry that has a product in which you do believe. Essentially, if you don't believe in apples, then sell oranges.


Daniel Milstein is the bestselling author of ABC of Sales. For more information, visit:

Contributor: Daniel Milstein

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