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How to Prevent the Dreaded Burnout


Guest articles > How to Prevent the Dreaded Burnout


by: Daniel Milstein


When working a high stress, high demand industry such as sales, it is easy to suffer from a loss in your appetite for success. However, if you want to become a superstar salesman, you must find a way to prevent the dreaded burnout.

Studies confirm that a high percentage of many companies' salespeople and other employees suffer from burnout. They feel stressed, their production drops and in many cases they leave to find a different company or a new profession.

I've seen many top producers at other companies hit a 'brick wall' brought on by various factors. The salesman becomes frustrated at his declining volume, the firm's poor customer service program, and many other real and perceived reasons.

The key is to catch the signs of burnout early and take corrective actions. First, make the necessary work-related adjustments; upgrade operating systems, develop better relationships with strategic partners, increase customer-follow-up and enhance your marketing strategies. Then if necessary, create the appropriate balance between your work and personal lives; watch your kid's soccer/football games, take a vacation and/or get involved in community activities. Gold Star is demanding of our originators and support staff, but we also make sure that there is a family-oriented environment to help eliminate burnout. We watch for signs of this common problem and do whatever we can to help originators and staff avoid it.

It is difficult to become a top producing salesperson, and harder still to remain at that level year after year. Aspiring superstars should learn the lessons of top salespeople, how they evolved from moderate success to become a mega-producer. Following their path won't guarantee super-stardom; however you will have a much greater chance of realizing your long-term goals.


Daniel Milstein is the bestselling author of ABC of Sales. For more information, visit:

Contributor: Daniel Milstein

Published here on: 17-Feb-13

Classification: Sales


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