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How to attract the opposite sex in 3 steps


Guest articles > How to attract the opposite sex in 3 steps


by: Ani Mal


Step 1: Describe your dream mate in extreme detail

  • Who are they in terms of personality and demeanor?
  • What do they look like?
  • Where are some places you would find them spending their time professionally and socially?
  • Why are they single?
  • When would they likely cross paths you?
  • How do they attract you?

Step 2: Describe what your dream mate would be looking for in their dream mate

Now with the same gusto and determination that you did in Step 1, now answer these questions in Step 2 about who your dream mate is looking to attract:

  • Who are they in terms of personality and demeanor?
  • What do they look like?
  • Where are some places you would find them spending their time professionally and socially?
  • Why are they single?
  • When would they likely cross paths you?
  • How do they attract you?

Step 3: Bridge the personal evolution gap

So are you the type of person your dream mate is attracted to? If not, you need to create a game plan on how you can evolve and develop yourself into the type of person who can attract whatever and whoever they want into their life. Some suggestions to get you started:

  • Gauge your personality and demeanor; are they in alignment with what your dream mate is looking for? What are self-development and improvement items you would need to work on to improve in this area?
  • Gauge your appearance -- focus on things you can influence through adaptations in style, health, and fitness habits. For things that you cannot influence through changes in behavior, look for ways to compensate. For example, some women are attracted to men who are larger than them - why is that? Hypothetically, lets say through some analysis it was found that these women typically had this attraction to larger men because they made them feel safe and secure. If a man isn’t larger than his dream mate, and that is what she desires -- are there other ways to make her feel safe and secure?
  • Are your hobbies and interests in alignment with what your dream mate is interested in?

Many people toil away aimlessly and hopelessly in the pursuit of the opposite sex; however, you now know the basic steps to attract the opposite sex. The ball is now in your court, you are now enabled to achieve complete personal transformation and attract the person of your dreams -- be well!

Attraction and personal transformation expert, Ani Mal, has helped countless individuals such as yourself build their dream life. For more guidance from Ani, please visit

Contributor: Ani Mal

Published here on: 09-May-10

Classification: Dating



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