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Yukl's taxonomy of management behaviors


Disciplines > Leadership > Leadership actions > Yukl's taxonomy of management behaviors

Giving-seeking information | Making decisions | Building relationships | Influencing people | See also


This is a set of behaviors that Gary Yukl identified as an integrated set that is used by managers and leaders.

Giving-seeking information


Providing information allows others to understand goals and objectives, enabling them to act as required.


Clarifying occurs either when questions are asked after informing or when monitoring indicates that understanding is not complete or behavior is not as desired.


Monitoring of goals and objectives, including behaviors of followers allows the leader to response appropriately.

Making decisions

Problem solving

When information indicates problems, then the leader may engage in problem-solving, either alone or in collaboration with others.

Planning and organizing

When actions are required by others, then prior thought goes into deciding what happens when and who does this. This subsequently needs allocation of resource to enable it to succeed.

Consulting and delegating

Information is two-way and information may be garnered from others. This also helps to gain acceptance, when tasks are delegated to others.

Building relationships

Managing conflict and team-building

When people do not work together well enough, and particularly when their focus is on on one another rather than the work, then the leader will act to make the team more cohesive and trusting.


The leaders may also need to meet with others outside the team to build relationships that provide information and which enable inter-working.


The leaders may also need to offer their followers support that their position affords, such as providing necessary resource and enabling access and attention of others.

Influencing people


Leading has a great deal to do with motivating others, including subordinates, peers and superiors.

Recognizing and rewarding

Recognition and reward are in the fief of the leader to give and are generally intended as forms of motivation.

See also

Yukl, G. (1991). Leadership in Organizations (second edition), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ


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