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Book Review: Nothing But The Truth


Book reviews > Nothing But The Truth


Maryann Karinch (2015). Nothing But The Truth, Career Press


I have a confession to make. I was a bit cynical when I started reading this book. I've read a number on interrogation and lie detection and after a while got to the point where I was reading the same thing, time after time. Psychologists -- read them. Ex-interrogators -- read them. Agency specialists -- read them.

Go on then, I thought, impress me.

I wasn't excited by the first chapter, which wandered around the whole 'what is truth' question. But then it perked up. Quite a lot, in fact. And instead of a quick skim read, I found myself reading very carefully, which means I was learning new things, which always makes me very happy. I even took it on holiday with me, which is a real accolade.

In short, where many other books typically are composed of interesting anecdotes and a list of techniques, this book takes it to the next level. Yes there are lots of stories and much practical how-to. There is also a more complete review of a range of methods from many expert sources plus a fuller overall methodology with chapters ranging from vetting the 'source' (the target person) through managing the actual exchange to following up on information received.

This is a definitive work, grounded in research and with reference to experienced experts. While it has military roots, it also will be of great practical value for other truth-seekers, from lawyers to managers to parents. Highly recommended.


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Maryann Karinch, Nothing But The Truth, Career Press, 2015 

An excellent book that digs into interrogation and the search for truth at a level beyond the normal 'I was an interrogator' books. Recommended for anyone who seeks the truth from other people. 



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