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iContact vs. Eye Contact: The PR Value of Networking


Guest articles > iContact vs. Eye Contact: The PR Value of Networking


by: Robert Deigh

Is social networking replacing in-person business networking? Quite the contrary - they are great complements. People meet online and schedule face-to-face meetings. Or

they meet at events and
join each others' social networks.

It may seem counterintuitive, but in-person networking is growing. Face-to-face networking remains one of the most important elements of any company's PR strategy and your executive growth. It's a great source of fresh ideas, contacts and a productive break from your daily routine. An introduction that includes a firm handshake and eye-to-eye contact makes a big impression.

But where do you find time to attend events? You don't. You make the time. Here's how:

1) Know the terrain and be picky. Find out which events peers, prospects and competitors attend and put those dates on your calendar. See the Network DC! links in the right column. They represent hundred of events every month!

2) Get everyone on your team into the habit of business networking. What

organizations do staff members already belong to? Don't overextend. Divide the team and get active in 3-4 of the best organizations. Join committees, for example. Go for quality connections over quantity.

3) If you go to an event with co-workers, split up. Get out of your comfort zone. Networking is work.

4) Have a compelling message. Your "elevator speech" at events should reflect benefits, not features, of hiring your organization. It should make clear "Here is what I can do for you."

5) Make sure your business card says exactly what you and your organization do. A business card with only a logo, company name, title and contact information is useless. Add some version of your elevator speech to the front of the card.

6) Follow up with good connections by phone or email within a couple of days while their memory of the event is still fresh. The first time you then see the person in his or her office to talk business, it will be your second meeting.


Robert Deigh is principal of RDC Communication/PR and the author of "How Come No One Knows About Us?" (WBusiness Books, available May 2008), the PR guide for organizations large and small that want to win big visibility. Deigh helps organizations increase their visibility and build their brands by creating strong and positive relationships with the press and other audiences. He is also a well-known speaker and trainer on media and PR topics. Want more free info to build your business? Subscribe to Deigh’s popular monthly 1-page online newsletter “PR Quick Tips” from his website at He can be reached via email at, or by phone at 703-503-9321.

Contributor: Robert Deigh

Published here on: 15-Dec-13

Classification: Sales



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