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Forty Ways to Ruin a Sale...and How to Avoid Them Part 7


Guest articles > Forty Ways to Ruin a Sale...and How to Avoid Them Part 7


by: Daniel Milstein


There are certain guidelines you should follow to become a successful sales person. In order to establish a strong customer base, follow the five tips of what to avoid below.

  1. Not taking care of the smaller customers because you only want the big ones. It is easy to dismiss prospects that don't seem to have larger budgets and that you don't believe have the potential of being a major account. However, most of us have examples of smaller customers who have grown into bigger ones or referred you to a larger account. Evaluate long-term customer potential, not just the short-term gain.
  2. Letting pride get in the way. Pride can keep you from asking someone for help or give a referral to another salesperson because they may be better equipped to deal with it. Before letting this occur, always ask: 'What's best for the customer and the company?' If it means having someone else handle a sale, that's probably the best action. Doing so will generally improve your rapport and reputation with everyone involved.
  3. Not respecting their opinions. The salesperson should be the expert in his/her field. However, customers have their own opinions and they will usually want to share them with you. Let customers express their thoughts as to the product or service best suited to their needs, even if you believe they are completely wrong. They will most likely end up agreeing with you and meanwhile will appreciate that you have listened to their opinion.
  4. Not validating their fears and concerns. Customers are often worried whether it's the right product, if they really need it and so on. The more expensive the purchase, the greater their concerns. It is essential that salespeople accept these issues as valid and help customers feel comfortable with the sale. Compliment them on their choice, emphasize that it is a long-term investment and that they have received a good deal.
  5. Difficulty losing gracefully. No one likes to lose a sale to a competitor, at your own or another company. But it happens. Ideally, you will have greater overall success than the other salespeople. Learn why you lost the sale to avoid a repeat performance, and then move on to the next opportunities. Complaining about a lost sale won't enhance your image within the company or with customers.

In sales it is important to make the customer feel as taken care of as possible. Be sure to put their concerns and needs ahead of your own wants and pride.


Daniel Milstein is the bestselling author of ABC of Sales. For more information, visit:

Contributor: Daniel Milstein

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Classification: Sales


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