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You Can Win Press Coverage at Trade Shows by Following a Few Simple Suggestions


Guest articles > You Can Win Press Coverage at Trade Shows by Following a Few Simple Suggestions


by: Robert Deigh


Trade shows, especially larger ones, offer good opportunities for your company to get press coverage because you're going to be in the same hotel or convention center with high-profile reporters you might not otherwise have the chance to meet. Increase your chances of getting coverage by doing some footwork ahead of time rather than waiting until you get to the event. Here's how:

1) If you're an exhibitor, ask the show's press liaison a week before the conference to send you the contact info of registered reporters. Even if you are not an exhibitor, ask anyway.

2) Check the list. Identify 10 or so reporters from publications your prospects read the most. Send each reporter a short email explaining why he or she should be interested in your products, your services or experts on your team. Follow up with a phone call to ask if they'd be willing to meet on the show floor (at your booth if possible). Keep interviews and product demos short.

3) If you have news to announce, time your press release to go out on the first full day of the show. Send to the list of registered reporters and to other press that cover your industry -- the ones whose names appear in your trade publications. Put copies of your press release and a factsheet in the convention press room. Avoid big fat press kits - send reporters to your website for more detail.

4) The "Show Daily" - Larger conferences distribute a special daily newspaper (in print and/or online) about the show to attendees. If you have news, send the information to show daily editors a week ahead of time so they'll be ready to publish it on the day you make the announcement. The press liaison can put you in touch with show daily editors.

5) Take photos. Invite notables into your booth andtake their pictures surrounded by your staff in logo shirts with your booth in the background. These will play well on your website, on your social media sites and in your e-newsletter with a descriptive caption.

6) Send a follow-up email to all registered reporters - even those who did not attend the show. Call the ones you made contact with, offer additional information and ask whether they plan to write anything. Keep track of potential articles so you'll see them when they are published.

7) Be the media, of course. If there is real news to report from the show, post it to Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts. After the show, send an email or e-newsletter to all of your contacts with a short article about industry news you learned at the event. Include a link to a page on your website with press releases, photos, articles from the show daily, etc.


Robert Deigh is principal of RDC Communication/PR and the author of "How Come No One Knows About Us?" (WBusiness Books, available May 2008), the PR guide for organizations large and small that want to win big visibility. Deigh helps organizations increase their visibility and build their brands by creating strong and positive relationships with the press and other audiences. He is also a well-known speaker and trainer on media and PR topics. Want more free info to build your business? Subscribe to Deigh’s popular monthly 1-page online newsletter “PR Quick Tips” from his website at He can be reached via email at, or by phone at 703-503-9321.

Contributor: Robert Deigh

Published here on: 06-May-12

Classification: Sales



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